
Trade & Education Sky Co., Ltd


To convert our youth into valuable assets through overseas employment with skill development and let the assets become the strength for the country.

Considering the number of engineers graduate each year from overseas, job opportunities are very few. Moreover, most of the engineers fail to get appropriate job according to their interests and qualifications. Additionally, there is a huge opportunity for the engineers to get appropriate job internationally.


Japan is a country which has one of the largest economy in the world, but due to decreasing population, they need more workers from other countries.

The key mission is to help the youth people to attain their career and educational aspirations in Japan. For that we provide quality services to students and job seekers who wish to study and build their future career in Japan. We are dedicated to help students find their desired institution and job in Japan.

To build an organization which understands today's youth and their aspirations, empowering them to make the right career choices in Japan as we strengthen our organization, based on ethics, values, honesty and integrity.

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Trade & Education Sky Co., Ltd



HPのURL http://sky.edu.vn/

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